1206 Numerowia

Discovered by K. Reinmuth
Discovery site Heidelberg
Discovery date October 18, 1931
MPC designation 1206
Named after Boris Numerov
Alternate name(s) 1931 UH
Epoch May 14, 2008
Ap 3.0267242
Peri 2.7044516
Eccentricity 0.0562315
Orbital period 1771.8176457
Mean anomaly 64.16563
Inclination 13.01439
Longitude of ascending node 324.50651
Argument of peri 280.46326
Physical characteristics
Absolute magnitude (H) 11.8

1206 Numerowia (1931 UH) is a main-belt asteroid discovered on October 18, 1931 by K. Reinmuth at Heidelberg. It was named after Boris Vasil'evich Numerov, a Russian astronomer and geophysicist who was executed for espionage by the Soviet Union in 1941. The accusation was based on the fact that a German had named the asteroid after him.

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